Friday, July 19, 2024

Welcome to Creat A Wildlife-Friendly Yard!


     Hey Monarch butterfly lovers! We're all about helping these beautiful creatures, and one of the best ways you can pitch in is by creating wildlife-friendly spaces in your yard or at your workplace. Not only does this boost biodiversity and support tons of other plants and animals, but it also gives you a front-row seat to some amazing summertime entertainment.
     Got a great Monarch story or tip to share? Head over to the "Send Me Your Monarch Story" section on the right margin of the blog and email me your experiences. I'd love to share your stories with other Monarch enthusiasts. Let's keep this community buzzing with Monarch magic! Enjoy! 

Why Are We Seeing So Few Monarch Butterflies?


Monarch butterflies are not being seen and it's mid-July

Why Are We Seeing So Few Monarch Butterflies?

Have you noticed that there are fewer Monarch butterflies fluttering around these days? You're not alone, and there's a good reason for it. Monarchs need a vast, healthy migratory path and large, robust forests to survive the winter. Unfortunately, these crucial habitats are under threat.

The Challenges Monarchs Face

Monarch butterflies are facing a significant reduction in their breeding habitat in the U.S. due to herbicide use and changes in land use. Additionally, their wintering sites in Mexico are experiencing forest degradation, making it harder for them to survive the cold months.

A Rough Year for Monarchs

The year 2024 has been particularly tough on Monarchs. The ice storm in Texas in 2023 and the historic hot summer that followed have severely impacted their population. Reports from overwintering sites for the eastern population of Monarchs in Mexico show a staggering 59% decrease—the second lowest count in history. Meanwhile, the California population has dropped by 30%.

The Push for Protection

Back in 2014, there was a petition to list Monarchs under the federal Endangered Species Act. In December 2020, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed that the listing was warranted but had to prioritize other actions on its National Priority List. The Monarch is now slated to be listed in 2024.

Expert Insights

Chip Taylor from Monarch Watch explains why we're seeing so few Monarchs: "When their numbers are low, it suggests that there are threats. The biggest threats Monarchs face are habitat loss and changes in weather patterns. Warmer temperatures negatively affect Monarch populations."

A Message from the WWF

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has also weighed in on the issue. During the 2023-2024 winter season, estimates showed that Monarchs occupied only 2.2 acres of central Mexico's forests—59% less than the previous year. This annual survey, conducted by WWF and its partners, is a key indicator of the Monarch population's status.

The Bigger Picture

Scientists believe that climate variations in the Monarchs' breeding areas in Canada and the U.S. have led to high temperatures and drought. These conditions have reduced the abundance of milkweed, the only plant where Monarchs lay their eggs. Additionally, land-use changes and the widespread use of herbicides have further contributed to the loss of milkweed and other nectar plants essential for adult Monarchs.

Call to Action

"Fewer Monarchs hibernating in their traditional forest habitat in Mexico greatly concerns all of us," said Jorge Rickards, general director of WWF Mexico. "It's critical that all communities, governments, non-governmental organizations, scientists, and others continue to strengthen our conservation and protection efforts to support the Monarch's unique migration."

This situation isn't just a random occurrence; it's a call to action. We need to intensify our conservation and restoration measures both inside and outside the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve to ensure these beautiful butterflies continue to grace our skies.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monarch Butterfly Happenings! A nationwide network of Monarch Waystations?

    I just got an email from a new subscriber who lives in Solon, Ohio. He wanted to know how to help the Monarch butterfly to survive, so this issue has articles on how individuals are helping the Monarch to survive, yard-by-yard, school-by-school, and business-by-business.
     Many are helping out! Third-graders in Westerville, Ohio became lobbyists to protect the Monarch, and waystations for Monarchs are being planned for Arizona parks. The importance of creating a Monarch butterfly garden in your yard and business is also explained.
     I’m excited about the $89,000 grant provided by the Fish and Wildlife Foundation. It is helping the Southwest Monarch Study to build Monarch Waystations in Arizona’s parks. Let’s expand this initiative! The hundreds of thousands of miles of Interstate-highway medium strips and the millions of miles of major state highways can someday become a nationwide grid of Monarch Waystations, a coast-to-coast system that protects all pollinators!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Trump's kids shooting big-game endangered species.

Trump's Kids shooting big game endangered species

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Monarch Butterfly numbers used to be in the billions

     he MoTnarch Butterfly faces four hazards to their survival. The Monarch is headed for extinction and should be included on the Endangered Species List. 
     Two short decades ago, over a billion monarchs flew up into the U.S. from Mexico seeking milkweed plants to lay their eggs on. Maybe, those numbers will come back...someday. I remember when they faced a great snowstorm in Mexico that killed many of them. Kudos to David Suzuki's foundation which hosts #gotmilkweed and Monarch Manifesto campaigns to help bring back the monarch.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My wife & I released 208 Monarch butterflies this year- here's
the last one, a male.
From deforestation in Mexico to a dwindling food supply in the U.S., Monarch butterflies face threats on both sides of the border.

Funds available to restore Monarch butterfly habitats. The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded a nearly $250,000 grant to seven Oklahoma tribes to restore important monarch habitat on tribal lands and create in-state sources for much-needed milkweed production. The award is part of a first round of 22 grants totaling $3.3 million for projects across the country deemed most important to recovery of the iconic orange-and-black butterflies. 

Kim Nelson of Raymond, Wisconsin raises and releases Monarch butterflies. She represents and is the poster child of "Monarch lovers" everywhere. Hooray for Kim! 

Millions of Monarch butterflies are now visiting Texas, ready to treat the state as an all-you-can-eat buffet, building up fat levels that sustain them all winter in the cool mountains of Mexico. Did you know Texas has more milkweed types than any other state? 

Harvesting milkweed is vital to sustaining the Monarch butterfly.  By harvesting the pods of common milkweed plants, which contain the plant’s seeds, and then planting those seeds — or even just spreading them — in areas that aren’t mowed, governments and individuals can help grow more of the plants, which are vital to the monarchs’ life cycle.                                                                                   

Robert Morton, M.Ed., Ed.S. enjoys his wildlife-friendly suburban yard and is devoted to saving the Monarch butterfly. 


Monarchs love my Zinnia flower patch
     I took the above photo yesterday. The migrating Monarch butterflies seem to make it a habit to zero in on a small patch of Zinnias my brother planted here in NW Pennsylvania. The flowers are still well in bloom and just yesterday (10/05/15) a large Monarch spent a full half hour visiting each flower. Its body actually pumped up and down as it savored the nectar of these late-blooming plants.