Saturday, January 22, 2011


Mystery Hummingbird. What kind is it??? The video below shows a young man who found a baby hummingbird after it was attacked. He nursed it back to health until it decided to stay and be his pet. Very charming video, and be sure to have your sound on. The song in the background is almost as good as the video itself.

See all the audio CDs from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology

If anyone knows what kind of hummingbird this is, please contact us on the secure Bpath Mail Form. Indicate if it's OK to publish your name. Thanks in advance for the help. ENJOY!

Click HERE to watch the baby hummingbird video

The Backyard Birders Choice Website for all supplies.

Robert Morton writes about the natural world and promotes making the 25,000,000 lawns in the U.S. to become wildlife-friendly spaces...ONE YARD AT A TIME. Read How This Site Came To Be. Have a photo, article or personal story about you or someone you know who is involved in creating a wildlife-friendly space? Share it on this site! Contact him at the secure Bpath Mail Form.