Note: In the right margin Scroll down to CODE "( A-55) CEDAR WAXWING)" for free videos and free articles on this amazing bird.

At our farm, actually the Hemlock Hill Field Research Station outside Cambridge Springs, Pa., I witnessed Cedar Waxwings flocking to a large Service Berry bush (tree?). They were gorging themselves, as if it were an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet! My brother, Gene Morton, commented on the males feeding their mates. I thought they were feeding their fledglings, but no, on the receiving end were adult females.
Apparently, the male Cedar Waxwing does this to attract females, so they eventually pick the males that are the best feeders when they (the females) are on the nest. So, all you young single men out there, a lesson: end the date with you feeding your lady friend in a plush restaurant with plenty of food on the plate, or take them home and cook a gourmet meal for them. I recommend you allow them to sit there and you can spoon feed them. Uh...but...not at a plush restaurant...maybe the back booth.