Note: Scroll down right margin to CODE "(A-56) MONARCH EGGS for free videos and free articles on Monarch egg-laying.
Monarch Waystation #613 in Fremont, Ohio has attracted three other people to become "Monarch Landlords", as they say with Purple Martin enthusiasts. Sue Strohl, told me just yesterday that she has dozens of Milkweed Plants in her front yard and alongside her garage. She saw a Monarch depositing eggs on them and retrieved 10 eggs off her plants. An hour later, she saw the same or another female Monarch on her MW's and collected an additional 9 more. That's 19 eggs in an hour's time.
After seveal weeks of zero eggs found on my Common and Swamp MW's, I found 10 eggs this morning. It all seems to hit at once, I've noticed. Sue Strohl has never seen Monarchs laying eggs in the early morning or evenings. Same here, when I witness Monarchs laying eggs on my MW's, it's mostly around Noon to 3pm, when it's the hottest temp.